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The host object in the peer package is used on the device that is to receive the data, i.e. if you are using data from a phone to control a laptop, the laptop is the host

Getting Started

To get started import the peer package and initialise a new Host object, if your Connector object is running on a different web application/domain the host constructor takes a parameter of other device domain, if left blank we assume both devices run on the same domain with the connector being on /peer route

import { Host } from "@espruino-tools/peer";

let p = new Host("optional param for other device domain");

Initialising for Data transfer

To easily receive data from the connector device we can do the following. Below we use example cases for the switch case this function can do whatever you want it to do.

import { Host } from "@espruino-tools/peer";

let p = new Host("optional param for other device domain");

p.getData(function (data) {
switch (data) {
case "forward":
// call forward function
case "something else":
// call something else function
// log data or create a default function

Initialising for Video transfer

To easily receive video data from the connector device we can do the following. Below we use an example which creates a video element and passes the data into it.

import { Host } from "@espruino-tools/peer";

let p = new Host("optional param for other device domain");

p.getVideo(function (data) {
let body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
let video = document.createElement("video");
video.srcObject = data;;